Pursuant to Section 309(3) of the Companies Act, a request made to the Registrar of Companies for the removal of a company’s name from the Register of Companies, must be accompanied by a letter of no objection issued by the Director-General, Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA) as testimony to the fact that the company is compliant with the laws falling under the administration of the MRA. 

To initiate this process, the company is required to submit an application to the Director-General of the MRA together with relevant documentation for the issue of the afore mentioned letter of no objection. 

With a view to facilitating the process, the MRA has implemented an online application facility for requests for MRA’s Letter of No Objection by the following entities falling under the purview of the Large Taxpayer Department:  

  • Resident Companies with an annual turnover exceeding MUR 100 M 
  • Protected Cell Companies
  • Global Business Companies
  • Authorised Companies
  • Amalgamating Companies
  • Trusts 
  • Foundations 

With a view to speeding up the processing of an application, the MRA has listed specific information they will require to process an online application from any of the afore listed entities. 

Applicants need to keep in view that filing an application for the removal of a company’s name from the Registrar of Companies will more often than not trigger a tax audit as the MRA is under the obligation to ascertain that the applicant has complied with the various revenue laws falling under the administration of the MRA. 

To avoid any unnecessary delay for the issue of the letter of no objection by the MRA, applicants will gain in ensuring that the documentation to be submitted to MRA is readily available and of the correctness of tax returns submitted to the MRA for the years still open to the latter’s scrutiny. 

Applicants not falling under the purview of the Large Taxpayer Department need to address their application to the Medium and Small Taxpayer Department. 

Do you need assistance with filing an application to the MRA for the issue of a Letter of No Objection? Reach out to RockFin for expert help! 

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